Product Guarantee
Celebrity Brandz Guarantee for Angel & Black Diamond Tape Extensions.
Products applicable to this guarantee are Angel & Black Diamond Tape Extensions.
Guarantee Details
In order to take advantage of this guarantee, you must adhere to the following requirements:
Guarantee applies only to the Angel & Black Diamond Tape Extensions (the guarantee does not include any of the other Celebrity Brandz hair products, Clip Ins, hairpieces or wigs Extend It™, HairTrix™, Celebrity Wigs™
This guarantee only applies to extensions professionally fitted in a certified salon.
You must be able to verify that three (3) Celebrity Extensions Hair Care products (that are approved for this guarantee) have been used and that you can show proof of purchase of these (3) care products.
Strictly adhere to the product usage directions.
While your Angel or Black Diamond Hair Extensions are in your hair, no other care products of another brand maybe used. This includes conditioning treatments, protein treatments or hair straightening solutions.
Please ensure that the Care & Maintenance guide, accompanying every pack of hair extensions, is carefully read and understood.
Hair Extensions require drying and styling after each time the hair has been washed or becomes wet. Failure to do so may result in Matting* and shredding*
Guarantee has a time limit of 6 months from date of purchase.
Take a picture of your hair within 24 hours of having your extensions applied with a newspaper in the picture to show the date.
Take a picture of your hair after using the products for a 30 day period. This picture should be as similar as possible to the picture taken before using the product.
If you meet the above criteria and you have noticed the appearance of your hair extensions has deteriorated, please submit your before and after pictures. Have your hair extensions professionally removed at the salon where your extensions were first applied. Then post
back your extensions and photos to head office, for review. Your hair will be tested and if you have cared for your extensions as per your Care & Maintenance Guide and a product fault has been detected, all hair sent for testing will be replaced in full.
*Matting does not include the day-to-day loose tangling of hair that naturally occurs in long hair. Matting in this sense means an unmanageable ball or clump of hair that cannot be brushed through.
*Shredding of hair is not the few loose hairs that may occur while brushing under normal conditions. Shredding of the extensions occurs when the bonding attachment breaks down and large clumps of hair release from the extensions.
All requests must be made via the Certified Celebrity Brandz Salon. Only the salon can process your claim, individuals mailing directly to Celebrity Brandz will have their hair returned without claim or review. Salons only to post to:
Attention: Celebrity Extensions Guarantee
c/o Product Support
GPO BOX 2393
Melbourne Vic 3001
Requests can also be mailed to